Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Open Swim Area: Belmont Shore, Long Beach

I was in the Long Beach area last week and drove by this cool open-water swimming spot where you can get a pretty good workout without getting bashed by ocean waves (which still happens to me, goggles and wetsuits still doesn't change the whimsy of open-water waves.)  :D I was very excited by the prospect of somewhat calm waters without the skin irritating chlorine.  Plus this looked a lot more like the conditions of the Ironman Oceanside race!

I went home and checked out some reviews of the spot, and it seems that the area is pretty tame, like a salt water pool. There is a bit of a current, but it looked like a pretty good location to practice swimming to gain endurance.  This past Sunday I went again (since I was in the neighborhood) to scout in out in person, and I saw a lone swimmer practicing in the waters in a wetsuit.  I snapped some shots of the water conditions.

The waters looked pretty decent, and the swim area is clearly marked by buoys, which would be great to keep track of progress and also make it easier to sight.  I don't know how deep the water is at the buoys (and I didn't want to interrupt the swimmer on site), but it doesn't look that far from the walkable parts and the water is so calm I can probably just float back.

When I showed my friends the pictures, they said that they used to play there when they were little.  Okay, plus one on the easier to swim in conditions, HOWEVER, there are no life guards, and there's not always someone swimming there at any given time, so that's kind of a downside.

On the other hand, there's such a long straight away that's uninterrupted by waves that looks awesome to swim in :D  the sand is not muddy by the shore, and did I mention no waves?

The biggest downside is that the place is half an hour from my apartment, so I'd have to stew in my swimsuit for that long, in traffic on the 405 before I can get to a shower.  I guess I could try taking a shower at the 24hourfitness before heading home... :/

But look at the water!  So little waves!  I can't wait for the weekend when I get to try to swim in this.  I hope the rain holds off so the water quality allows for the swim :3

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